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Filmbetyg 1 avCainight

Johan Falk - Operation näktergal2009-11-04
The Killing Room2009-08-11
The Number 232007-06-25
Hot Fuzz2007-05-01
16 Blocks2006-06-06
The Animatrix2005-05-25
Matrix Revolutions2005-04-20
The Passion of the Christ2005-04-20
The Blair Witch Project2005-04-20
Scary Movie 32005-04-19
Idle Hands2005-04-18
Cable Guy2005-04-18
Battle Royale2005-04-18
The Grudge - Förbannelsen2005-04-17
Lost in Translation2005-04-17
Crocodile Dundee – en storviltjägare i New York2005-04-17
Krigarens själ2005-04-17